Guest article by Anthony Coggine, HR professional and business writer
Your Startup Really Need a Financial Consultant?
the digital age, accessibility and autonomy are becoming a defining part of
startup culture. With a growing freelance economy and so much public
information aimed to help small business get off the ground, a growing number
of entrepreneurs and small business owners are questioning the needs for
services often associated with traditional business practices,
such as consulting services. With so many conflicting views on whether or not
startups really need financial consultants, it really all boils down to the
individual needs of each business.
are some of the main arguments, both for and against, taking on a financial
consultant that will help you decide whether or not your startup could benefit
from these services.
A second set of eyes
would be hard pressed to come across a business that doesn’t understand the value of a second opinion. When it comes to
financial modeling, there are various benefits that come from an expert
opinion, but it can also be a risky move if you don’t pick the right person.
An experienced financial
consultant can help you create a customized budget that will help you control
your finances and highlight where you can make improvement
Financial consultants tend to have a wealth of experience and can introduce new
concepts and ideas that will help improve your financial performance
Financial consultants can help you
develop a financial model that makes room for lucrative opportunities
Hiring a financial advisor is an
investment, thus it’s important that you have goals in place for your new hire
to ensure you aren’t wasting time and resources
A financial advisor that doesn’t
specialize in your industry or understand your company culture could
potentially point you in the wrong direction
Taking on a consultant's means
opening yourself to someone else's opinions, which can backfire if you aren't
ready to introduce new ideas
making a final decision, it’s essential that you establish any issues that you
might be facing. In addition, map out your expectations in order to understand
the various pros and cons of taking on a new team member and whether or not
that will work for you.
Financial health isn’t only
about dollar signs
businesses often start out with a small core team that handle pretty much
everything from marketing to human resources and financial matters.
Bootstrapping your business naturally instills a sense of pride and unity
within teams, but as you start to grow you run the risk of burning out your
team members. While most companies take on financial consultants to help
organize money matters, there are also numerous advantages for the human side of your business,
as long as you know how to reach them, of course.
Financial advisors can evaluate
your team structure and make suggestions on potential new hires or training
needed to streamline team efficiency and productivity
Finance experts can help you
execute a strategy that caters to your specific needs, whether that means
cutting down on certain resources without compromising growth
Taking on a financial consultant
can help relieve burden from less experienced team members who may be taking
care of financial tasks to save on costs
Hiring a consultant to help you
improve productivity is only possible if you have a good sense of team
dynamics, as an outside hire cannot help you improve without your internal
Taking on a financial expert that
doesn’t have experience in your industry is risky as they may provide advice
that doesn’t pertain to your company
Startups should most likely avoid
financial consultants that primarily work with corporate entities as they may
not understand the needs of startups
your startup has recently received funding or is experiencing an uptick in
growth, taking on a financial consultant can help you transition smoothly as
you grow.
the pros and cons of taking on a financial consultant is a reliable first step
that will help you assess whether or not your startup could benefit from an
outside opinion and the services provided by a consultant. Luckily, as the
startup ecosystem continues to grow, an increasing amount of finance experts
are now expanding their skill sets to include early stage businesses in the
digital age.