The following fascinating and informative interview was provided by Chet Billingsley, the Chairman, CEO, and founder of Mentor Capital, Inc., a public operating company that invests in pre-IPO cannabis related businesses. He did his undergraduate work at West Point. He later received a Master’s Degree in Applied Physics at Harvard University with concurrent study at Harvard Business School, and at MIT studying proton radiology. He is also a founding director and officer of the board of directors of the Nevada Cannabis Industry Association.
The discussion includes the following:
- What has happened in the cannabis industry during the last five years
- Why high excise taxes can cause the illegal market to continue
- Tilray and the Canadian market
- Why low excise taxes caused the legal Canadian marijuana market to grow
- The US cannabis regulatory scene
- Beer companies buying interests in marijuana businesses
- Tobacco companies getting into the marijuana businesses
- The growth of the medical marijuana market versus the recreational marijuana market
- Cannabis versus opiates
- Cannabeer and canabeverages
- The cannabis sub-industries, such as edibles, local delivery services, etc.
- And much more extensive interesting information!
To stream the interview, click:
All opinions are those of the interviewee, and do not represent the opinions of this website or the interviewer. Neither this website, nor the interviewer, nor the interviewee are rendering tax, legal, or investment advice in this interview. No investment advice is expressed or implied. No recommendations are made to buy, sell, hold, or short any security. All information is provided for education and general information only.
Disclosure: Interviewer owns shares of MNTR and has a short position in TLRY.